I have recently began dating this individual who I have known since elementary school. He lives in my neighborhood so I have seen some of the dysfunction from his family for myself. His family consist of thugs, brothers who sell and smoke drugs with multiple kids, women in the family with multiple kids and nothing else to show for their lives and constant fighting and arguing among themselves. I was reluctant to even hold a conversation with him because from what I have seen happening at his house from my front yard. I took the time out to actually have a conversation with him and to get to know him just to find out that he is actually a good person who does not engage in the same activity that his family does. He is trying to better himself but me just knowing how dysfunctional his family is really is bothering me and I do not want to judge him based on their actions which is clearly something he can't change. Now I understand that every family has their share of dysfunction but I come from a family with a strong church background and we are all very close and I am just not use to the dysfunction. He is very serious about me and I like him as well but I know I just can't put up with his family. Will I be wrong to break it off just for that reason.
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