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Videos: Dating

Have you ever experienced love at first sight?
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What would you do if your SO told you he's/she's next to handsome/pretty woman on a plane? like this girl thought she was fat shamed but really I think the guy just told it to his girlfriend because his girlfriend is insecure imagine your so told you hey babe Im next to hot...
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I am confused on what I should date men or women?

Nobody wants to hear it but it is true usually guys only want sex and will keep you around if you allow them to take a advantage of you. It seems like people want what they can't have and I don't want to be this crazy...
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WWhy am I such a warrior inside?

I don't know how nomal that is for anyone let alone a chick but i feel that viibe... this one... Im not even a tomboy. Im girly and delicate af. But inside i feel that viiibe
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Did you ever fall in love with a man because of his album?

Breezy by Chris Brown is a new album and I am so obsessed. His music just is constantly on my mind and in my ear when I can't listen to it. Ugh I am so obsessed with Chris He is so amazing. And yeah this song is kinda...
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What do masculine men think of women like this who "make moves" on men and tell him to relax?

This girl is so forward i am actually scared.
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What do you think of this dating advice? 1. The most important thing? respect 2. Allow intimacy to progress naturally 3. Don't limit yourself to one type 4. Communication is key 5. Focus on who you are now 6. Don't alter...
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Have you ever been asked, or have you asked..."Are You Gonna Be My Girl"?

Guys, have you ever asked a girl to be yours? Listen to Mr Nic of the American band 'Jet' as he asks "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?". If you like rock, you are going to love this song! ......
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Would you date a half Asian girl or guy?

Look at this video good representative of how half Asian look. Girl on the thumbnail is half Iranian and half Japanese.
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Why bad photos are good for you

This is a myTake more with those seeking long-term relationships in mind. Ever heard of an Instagram baddie? Well, maybe this Take will help you to be a real-life baddie. Forgot social instagram. 19:05 in the video is a...

Would you go on a new version of The Dating Game?

There used to be a show called the Dating Game where they had 3 people on one side of a screen and one person on the other that had to choose which one of the 3 they wanted to date. They could only hear each others voices...
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Would you let this guy date your grandmom?
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Would you date a cheapskate person?
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What would you think if a girl you were dating was not as old as she claimed?

You thought she was 21, when in fact she was 16. But you really like her a lot. Do you stop dating her or continue?
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Why don't men care when they're objectified?
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How to find the man or woman of your dreams! Yes, your dreams are about to come true!

...NO, I'M NOT KIDDING! Here is Aespa's new song ...Dreams Come True... Many people are not good listeners. What I will say in this myTake will go in one ear and right out the...

People who are hurt should see this music video. What do you think of the song?

I'm CRYINGGG!!! The actor and actress in this video is actually a real couple that broke up. The song is kinda close to what happened to them. TURN ON THE CC TO UNDERSTAND THE SONG
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When your girl walks out on you when you were at your lowest would you take her back when you were back up on top?

You were down on your luck, the reasons could be many, but your girl decided to move on because she felt you were a loser. So 2 years later you turned things around and now you have started a successful business. Suddenly...
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Guys, how long would your patience last with a "High Maintenance" Girl?

Girls, Are you "High Maintenance"? According to Joshua Sigafus, here are the signs of a "High Maintenance" Girl... She’s Self-Obsessed She Cares About What Other People Think She Believes That She’s ‘Settling’...
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