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Funny Random Things I Wonder And Think About

Things that I kinda weird myself out with. 1) Why do people say that men have only two emotions and expect them to do all the work? 2) If the Earth turned 30 times faster, we would get salary every day, but women would bleed to death... 3) Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face,...

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The Things I Hate About Men

"To every guy who tries to say that we have already achieved equality for the sexes, if this were true, you wouldn't be told to "man up", "be a man", "stop being a p*#%y", "harden the fuck up", "toughen up", "boys don't cry", "don't be such a girl", "stop being a wimp". As long as this type of...

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What I Hate About Women

"I have an idea that the phrase weaker sex was coined by some woman to disarm some man she was preparing to overwhelm." – Ogden Nash Disclaimer: This is a lengthy MyTake. I do not write out of a sense of entitlement and where possible, I shall endeavor to include facts and figures to illustrate...

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First Dates And Other Disasters

"Increase your chances of getting to second date by not having stinky garlic breath during the end of the first date. Especially if you’re dating a vampire." Jarod Kintz You didn't take my title seriously did you? Good. Now that's not something you should do on your first date. I think dates...

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The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

First let's address the issue between 'Nice' Guys and women. Many men understand and appreciate that seduction first makes women feel uncomfortable. What these men do instead is focus on comfort first. What these men don't realize is that women of beauty get bombarded by these nice guys every...

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The Different Types Of Cheaters (A Parody)

I've found on G@G, a great many of us, agree to disagree on a lot of things, from racism to religion, Trump to Hilary, Feminism and Egalitarianism and so on and so forth. But we all agree universally on one thing. The general hatred for cheaters. Its ok to cheat, said no one ever. So here's a...

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The Valentine's Day Conspiracy

I'm assuming most of us here on G@G are single at the moment, or are going through a rough patch right now. Although, that hasn't stopped us from being dry and skeptical about the Big V. Now for the most part I actually agree that and believe that Valentines day is actually a revenue day for...

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My Take On The Ideal Woman

I think its unfair that society feels the need to divide people into the beautiful and the not so beautiful. Because society, if anything, is right only at face value. Good looks are something that many people assume are the only basis for attraction( they're right, if that's their case ). I'd...

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My TOP 10 TV Shows of 2015

2015 was a great year for television, I've been waiting for a TV Show that could fulfil the emptiness in my heart after Breaking Bad ended. Sob. We'll miss you Walt. We really will. And I shall always be faithful to Breaking Bad as I've been faithful to The Wire. Ahem. So, much ado about...

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Good Guy vs Bad Guy. A showdown or is it?

Now, I dunno why these topics are making rounds on G@G. Because it feels completely unnecessary and mundane. The nonsensical stereotypes of nice guys and bad guys are more fiction than fact. Like that nonsense that EL James and Stephanie Meyer and various other female novelists who make it to...

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Types of people I've met on G@G

Disclaimer: I write this with a light heart and a heavily drunk mind, so you'll pardon this MyTake. I've to mention that this myTake is inspired by @pavlove and @MissNowhere. 1) The Pseudo Alpha Yep that's what I call them. Because they love slinging around their dicks in almost every opinion...

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The Top 10 Greatest Detective/Crime movies of all time

As a self proclaimed book worm/obsessive writer I feel that the mystery genre has kept me enthralled all my life. Ever since I picked up The Hardy Boys when I was eight, till today when I am twenty two and my affection for this genre has evolved from reading into watching. In fact I used to...

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My Top 10 Anime Series Of All Time - Part II

This serves as a follow up to my Top 10 Anime Movie List . Anime's are the bread and butter of any anime lover. This list can also be used as a starter guide for any anime newbie. So let's begin. 10. Stein's Gate This is one of the most epic romances ever, I was taken aback as the story leaps...

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My Top 10 Anime Movies Of All Time

I personally feel anime is a grossly underrated genre in the movies category in general. It also sucks that Disney animated fare waaaay better than these gems. There are so many good anime's out there. So many to choose and none would disappoint. So reluctantly, I'm gonna choose MY list of top...

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How to move on from a relationship with no closure: "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone"

Ok. This one is for those who feel they got no closure. That is, they were unjustly blocked out. Completely ignored by their ex after breaking up. This is a painful process, learning to move on knowing you're shunned. Abandoned, or whatever heart stabbing feeling you might get. Know that you can...

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How to grow up: Stop being so sensitive, and don't give a damn!

In today's world, a great many of us men seem to be withering away from what actually made men so great. Not to say, that we have become more tempartmental, where we were once pragmatic, optimistic and full of vitality. And while it is quite flattering that at my age I should be writing this, I...

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A dummy's guide to coping with breakup: How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb!

So, touchy touchy. As a guy I've had some rough sketches. And while this isn't exclusively for guys, I'd think it would benefits the ladies too. So some background on me and the relationship. This relationship lasted a year. And I was dumped, much to my chargin. I was very vested in this...

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An Ode To Broken Hearts

Weary am I My body numb and my soul drained The wind is heartless, heavy and cold I know not why I feel this way My head says I'm alive but my heart says otherwise I know the love I know has ended Many a tear have I shed, my feelings wounded I lie here with a last and lonely tear My eyes have...

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