The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

First let's address the issue between 'Nice' Guys and women.

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

Many men understand and appreciate that seduction first makes women feel uncomfortable. What these men do instead is focus on comfort first.
What these men don't realize is that women of beauty get bombarded by these nice guys every day, and it can grow quite tiresome. While not as offensive as the seducer, the nice guy is no less a bother. There are simply too many nice guys approaching them in a day to indulge in the same old lengthy dialogue time after time.

Without attraction first, simply saying, "Hi, I'm Joe. What's your name?" will smack of every nice guy before you. Why would a woman who isn't attracted to you care what your name is or bother to even remember it? Why would she divulge personal information just because you asked?

Do you understand what I'm trying to convey? Nice guys are all so same-ish. You have no reason to believe you are special because you're being nice. What you're going to say has already been heard a million times before. You have nothing new to offer, why would they be interested in you?

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

Now imagine a scenario where a beautiful womanapproaches you and your friends at a party.

She cracks a joke and all of you freeze. Why? Simple. Fear. Or already the thought of being out of her league taunts you.

Fear can be the result of admiration, or it can be a symptom of contempt. When I see squeamish guys becoming tongue tied when a girl crashes their all-boy conversation at a party, I don’t give them credit for being awestruck. They’re reacting to the intimidating female as an intruder, an alien, and somebody they can’t relate to. It’s not a compliment to be made invisible.

You might have meant to be nice, not meaning to be rude, or just laugh nervously pretending to be heartily impressed by her sense of humor. But what you're really doing is isolating any connection that could establish some rapport or familiarity between you. You fail to see her as anything more than an object of beauty. You're objectifying. You've already lost.

Who exactly is rejecting whom here? Are trying to genunely look past your instant infatuation to notice her wit? Her intellect? Engage in meaningful conversation? Heck even agree to disagree? She's just a trophy now and all of you are competing for the same prize. There's nothing nice about this. None whatsoever. Of course, you won't get the girl.

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

All you could've done is made eye contact and made a sincere gesture at her sense of humor. A smle or a laugh, with some approval would have built some common ground. Nothings wins women over like humor. You could've started a meaningful conversation henceforth. But no. It doesn't happen because you've already made a poor first impression.

She just moves until she finds her mach, a man who gives his approval for something other than her beauty. Who appreciates and compliments her rightly with little flattery. This might come across as rude or abrasive to the ones who couldn't do this. Hence the desperation begins and even worse types of these so called 'nice' guys emerge.

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

Hence the female hating beins, our mysogynists, the ever so popular 'White Knight'

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

rebounds, second choices, blah blah blah. So many 'Nice Guys' out there.

What do you think women would do? Ofcourse you wouldn't get any. Desperation is a form of attraction, said no one ever.

The Issue Between 'Nice' Guys and Other Guys.

The major issue between the 'Nice' Guys and the rest of us is this, why are you being such a pussy? What's the point of begging your way to bed? Any self respecting decent man will choose a man who suits his standards and will put his views in plain sight and oviously does the same for his woman.

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.

This is how it is, if you can't have it, then hate it. Typical caveman mentality. The hole only gets deeper from here. This is how many good decent men get a bad name and women become entitled to give us a bad name in general, the so called players, fuckboys were all 'Nice' guys who have made the method of emotional blackmail and fake support their modus operandi of getting laid.

So what is the solution? It is simple really.

1) Nut up. Nobody likes a pushover. Learn to stand your ground.

2) Look beyond your own attraction to the lady, try to know her and understand her. Don't base your judgement on infatuatons. It isn't called love.

3) Rejection isn't a bad thing, its a learning curve. It doesn't mean its the end of the world. It means you're doing something wrong.

4) Be polite and maintain grace in all situations, especially under pressure. It won't get anymore 'Alpha' than that.

5) Be genuine to yourself, maintain some standards. Keep a healthy mind and a healthy body.

6) Last but not the least, have some self respect. If you had any, no one would treat you like a second class man. You define your own identity, let no one else do it for you.

Thank you for reading. Ciao. #WhiteKnightFails.

The Gentlemans Solution To 'Nice' Guys. White Knight Fails.
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