An Ode To Broken Hearts

Weary am I

My body numb and my soul drained

The wind is heartless, heavy and cold

I know not why I feel this way

My head says I'm alive but my heart says otherwise

I know the love I know has ended

Many a tear have I shed, my feelings wounded

I lie here with a last and lonely tear

My eyes have shed all they could and none left to spare

My life shall never be the same

I close my eyes red and dry

My love has ended I whisper one last time

Time passes Time flies Tempus fugit

I awake from my slumber, my heart still bitter

But at least my heart accepts that what once was is now over

I crawl first and then stumble

I must stand, I will stand, I stand

The sun is rising, the stars twinkle one last time

My heart is warm, my feet steady and my eyes firm

I watch the sunrise in all its splendor, majestic and divine

My heart feels warmer and lighter

All it takes to start a fire is a tiny ember

I feel hope embraced by the light

I will love again and I will be loved

My heart accepts this gesture like a mother embracing her infant

I look ahead, the road is still long

My journey has just begun and I know not what tidings life will bring

But this I know, my heart belongs to me now

Its price too high to give it to another

Perhaps one day it will find a worthy owner

But today, I look back one last time

And I smile

Then move on, the memory only silhouette

To the road long gone

An Ode To Broken Hearts

An Ode To Broken Hearts
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