What I Hate About Women


"I have an idea that the phrase weaker sex was coined by some woman to disarm some man she was preparing to overwhelm." – Ogden Nash

Disclaimer: This is a lengthy MyTake. I do not write out of a sense of entitlement and where possible, I shall endeavor to include facts and figures to illustrate what I intend to convey. This isn't a Hate Take. Rather, its just my outlook, into what I hate about women. Also please note there's a sea of difference in the sentences:

Why I hate women.

What I hate about women.

See that? Aren't they two completely different sentences? One has four words. The Other has Five. Now please reread those sentences, its very important you understand my intentions. I am writing about the latter and the former is just a myth. Even misogynists have a hard time truly hating women and have to accept at some point that women are absolutely essential and invaluable to the growth and continuity of humankind. End disclaimer.

Obviously, this will touch lightly on feminism. It can't be helped. Seeing the flood of feminist MyTakes here. I'd really rather not write one, because its a lost ideal. It has collapsed by its own standards. Enough said. Moving on to the main topic at hand.

What I Hate About Women.

1) The Double Standards.

This table pretty much sums it up.

What I Hate About Women

Its tough being a man in a woman's world.

2) Feminism....

You knew this was coming, first of all I don't get the word at all.

What I Hate About Women

Feminism. A long time ago, in the 1960s, a few brave women stood against a predominantly patriarchal society and demanded the same rights for women. And the movement was such a success that it somewhat revolutionized the preconceptions of gender roles. Women were encouraged to be more independent, intellectual and free. But today, feminism is a shadow of what it was. Reduced to bitter women seeking for an upperhand in a pretty much, but less rigid patriarchal society.

What I Hate About Women

Todays generation knows nothing about the hard won rights the previous generation had toiled so much for. Nowadays feminism has pretty much been reduced to a sense of entitlement for closeted misandrists who march out like they're representing all the women in the world.

Feminism is a first world problem. Period.

If you were to travel to a third world country or Africa. Africa, especially, where women are quite literally treated no better than livestock, you'll see where feminism is required the most. Can you really call for equality when there is none? Seeing as how 70% of women population belong to the Third World?

3) The Great Violence Against Women Issue

What I Hate About Women

Domestic violence is the sad face of the ugly truth around the world. And its undeniable that women obviously suffer more greatly than men. No country being the exception. To view it statistically let's consider domestic violence in the UK.

What I Hate About Women

A whopping 63% of the total reported domestic violence victims are women. On the other hand men stand at 37%. By 2013 reports. Obviously women have it harder. And its much more likely that an intense case of violence is more fatal to women. Also, let's consider some cases which are not reported. Only adding to the woes of domestic violence victims.

However, you only see how brutal men can be against women. Its always on the news. Men being shoved into police cars, drunk or outraged or both. But what about violence against men? How often, if at all, have you seen a woman being towed away in police cruiser for violence against men? Chances are very slim, I'd wager.

What I Hate About Women

Whereas women who experience domestic violence are openly encouraged to report it to the authorities, it has been argued that men who experience such violence often encounter pressure against reporting, with those that do facing social stigma regarding their perceived lack of machismo and other denigrations of their masculinity. Additionally, intimate partner violence (IPV) against men is generally less recognized by society than IPV against women, which can act as a further block to men reporting their situation.

I have seen some women here claim that they have never seen a woman slapping a man. I take it they've lived very blissful lives. Violence is an innate trait of humankind, be it men or women. Its undeniably more amongst men but it also means a significant number of women also wittingly or unwittingly engage in violent behavior.

What I Hate About Women

Violence against men does exist, it might not be as pronounced as much violence against women. But it has a strong presence. One in every three domestic violence victim is a man. How? Do you believe abuse between a man aand his wife is restricted to the woman only? It extends to children too. Do you also forget that everyone has a childhood. Think only girls have daddy issues? Think again.

What I Hate About Women

What I Hate About Women

If a non violent census is to be reached, both sexes must agree that violence has a whole, exclusive of sexism, racism and other prejudices must be stopped and at the very least prevented.

4) Slut Shaming.

What I Hate About Women

Elizabeth Armstrong, a sociology and organizational studies professor at the University of Michigan, said in a release. “By engaging in ‘slut-shaming’ — the practice of maligning women for presumed sexual activity — women at the top create more space for their own sexual experimentation, at the cost of women at the bottom of social hierarchies.”

Contrary to popular belief, slut shaming never started with men in the first place. It started with women being insecure about other women. This has little to do with patriarchy. Surprisingly, why? in a society where some men are willing to pay for sex would ban a promiscuous women. Degrading to men, I know. But nonetheless why would they shame a woman offering easy sex? Doesn't make sense. Does it?

High-status women employ slut discourse to assert class advantage, defining themselves as classy rather than trashy, while low-status women express class resentment—deriding rich, bitchy sluts for their exclusivity.

This is a form of sexual privilege.

Now I'm not saying men do not shame. They do. But I believe the people who started must end it and not blame the ones who are foolishly catching on to the bygone practices of a ridiculously prejudiced society.

5) Entitlement

What I Hate About Women

A women may be misinformed, mislead, unclear, misguided, and even downright stupid..but she is never ever wrong. Know what I mean?

I might have all the facts with me, and all the obvious evidence in the world that I'm right. But I'm not. Why? Because women say so. No, they'll boil you, grill you, even make null and void of hard found truths. But they will never ever admit to two things. Guys being right and them being wrong. For some women.

They're entitled to never be wrong, they're entitled to never pay for dates, they're entitled to be sexist, they're entitled to be cruel, they're entitled to take a man's money at divorce, they're entitled to take his house, his car, his assets. Saddest of them all, they're entitled to take his children. Why?

Are kids property? Are they something dividable? It took a man and a woman to make a child. Why is the woman entitled to tear a child from their father? If equal rights are advocated then joint custody is a no brainer. A child needs both a father and a mother. Any woman who feels she's entitled to keep children from their father is amongst the most wretched and miserable of her ilk.

Once this sense of entitlement ends can women truly progressive towards being truly independent.

In conclusion, I don't blame women or hate them at all, I just concur I do not understand them. As one wise feminist once said

"I’m a woman.. I’m smart. I never lose an argument. I can cook. I like to read fashion magazines. I love to be right. Men don’t understand us. We must have secret powers, because I don’t understand us, either."

Thank you for reading this long haul of a Take. Ciao.


What I Hate About Women
44 Opinion