5 Things I Hate About Women


I want to start out by out by saying, I don’t hate women. I love women, but they have imperfections. Most of this comes from things I noticed from women in my family, but some of it is from women I met.

Mind games

5 things I hate about women

You know how women always say that all men are idiots? Guess what, it’s true. Stop playing mind games, don’t make us guess what you’re thinking and hassle us for not getting your hints. Can it really be that hard to comprehend that men don’t think complex as you do?

Fake compliments

5 Things I Hate About Women

Don’t say something you don’t mean to cheer us up. Sometimes constructive criticism or telling someone something they simply need to hear is a good thing. Don’t tell me things like “have you been losing weight” when I obviously know I’m not losing weight

Getting grossed out to easily

5 Things I Hate About Women

Seriously it’s like every woman that didn’t grow up with brothers is grossed out by everything men do. Why do men have to act carefully when we are around women?

Bringing up things that we did a long time ago then throwing it in our face.

People change and learn from their mistakes don’t bring up things from a long time ago when you had your chance to yell at us about it. Its ridicules and completely hypocritical if men did that women would lose their sh*t every single time.

Saying its fine when it’s not fine

5 Things I Hate About Women

People learn from their mistakes, so not telling someone they’re doing something wrong is biting yourself in your own ass (this also applies to white women). Let us learn what we are doing that’s bothering you, so we can stop doing it and it will make both happier.

5 Things I Hate About Women
47 Opinion