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8 Things Guys Think Girls Don't Care About... But They Really Do

"Oh, she's not going to care about that ." I've heard it many times. The guy is flat-out convinced that a girl he likes simply won't care about something when in fact, she really does care (even if she claims otherwise). And in this day and age, when values and preferences and desires are...

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How Pokemon Go and GirlsAskGuys Are Strikingly Similar

Okay, so forgive me if I thought of a way to compare one of the hottest trending topics online with GaG. :P However, speaking in metaphorical - and in some instances, not quite so metaphorical - terms, there are indeed a few surprising similarities between the phenomenon that is Pokemon Go and...

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8 Signs Your Dysfunctional Relationship Will End Up On the Evening News

Some of you may have experienced it before: The sneaking suspicion that you current flame is fu***** crazy. And I don't mean the sweet kind of crazy, the "oh, he's just a little eccentric" or "oh, she's just a little different." I'm talking about the knife-wielding, fire-in-the-eyes,...

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The Soulmate Experience with Mali and Joe: You DON'T Have to Fight, and How Jealousy Can be Healthy

Bitter about relationships? Don't like the idea of dating because it seems futile? Refuse to believe in the idea of a "soulmate?" Maybe it's just because we're all conditioned to be bitter and dismissive and disinterested. Maybe we all live in a world that's telling us at every turn that in...

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So, Can Sajad Gharibi Get Any Girl He Wants, Or Is This Just TOO Big?

I've always wondered about this. I think we all know that many (not all, but many) girls are attracted to muscular men. It's simply a natural, chemical reaction that makes perfect logical sense. However, just as most guys say a girl's breasts can indeed be too big, I'm willing to bet lots of...

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June Editor of the Month: And The Honor Goes To...

It's always fun to sort through our great Editor list and see who really exceeded expectations in any given month. :) Last month, the award went to @sparkly-crystal and this month, it came down to three Editors who did a fantastic job in the month of June. It can be difficult to choose just...

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8 Ways to Have a *GASP* Healthier July 4th Picnic

To celebrate this country's birthday, we ingest the worst damn food on the face of the earth. It's just embarrassing. At least on Thanksgiving there might be real food, even if people still sometimes drown things in gravy and cheese sauce. No, July 4th is the day of burgers, dogs, crappy cold...

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GaG User Video Contest: "One Burning Question" (UPDATE)

Everyone seems to like contests. :) In the past few months, we've held two very successful contests; there was the share your best "first" story (see winners here ) and the recent " time to get noticed" contest (see winners here ), and here comes a third. While we'll definitely go back to...

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GaG "Get Your Work Noticed" Contest Winners Revealed!

Less than two weeks ago, we decided to give GirlsAskGuys users a chance to test their content creation chops. Could you create a piece of content that would grab the eyes of both GaG members and the outside world? Well, this Get Your Work Noticed contest is now finished and we've tallied the...

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Why Attractiveness is Not A Myth, and Why Reality is a Bitch

Individuality is a fading concept. The ceaseless, countless cries of "just be yourself!" seem laced with hypocrisy. Despite this omnipresent message, the majority are still desperate to conform. Ironically, conformation to rebellion can become the norm and that is precisely what has happened. It...

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GaG Writing Contest: Time to Get Noticed

As we continue to beat the bushes for wonderfully creative and opinionated people , we want to give these talented individuals even more exposure. Last month, we ran a very popular writing contest with the theme, "Your Best 'First' Story," which resulted in lots of submissions, many of...

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May's Editor of the Month Revealed: Who Rocked it Last Month?

Yeah, it's a little late, sorry about that. :P But the selection for Editor of the Month has been made and for the month of May, it's one of our great young contributors: @sparkly-crystal She earns herself a $25 Amazon gift card and if you're wondering how she earned the accolade, how she wrote...

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Dear Young Writers: If You Don't Have a Thick Skin, Grow One... Rapidly

"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." -- Ernest Hemingway Ironically, I choose an introductory quote from a revered author I simply can't stand; I finished his Pulitzer Prize- and Nobel Prize-winning novel, "A Moveable Feast" and sat back in utter...

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Radical Self Love and Why Self-Image is Critical, With Guest Gala Darling

Is the idea of self-love increasingly foreign to you? Do you feel as if you can't get excited about anything, can't get motivated to do anything, and can't seem to look yourself in the mirror? In short, would you say you're pretty miserable? Well, so was Gala Darling (yep, that's her real...

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Calling All Writers, Creative Individuals, and Those Who Wanna Be Heard

You've got something to say and you want lots and lots of people to see it. You can put it on your Facebook page, I suppose. So okay, friends and family can see it but that's about it. You can try to produce something for BuzzFeed or Cracked but even after it's posted, you're competing against...

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Why Enjoying Multiple Relationships Trumps Monogamy

Disclaimer: Before I begin, let me say that I am in no way condemning marriage. In fact, I believe it's a valuable institution that's critical to the fabric of civilization, and it can be amazing for certain people. Monogamy should never be discouraged if someone wants to pursue that path. I'm...

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Trending & News Added To GaG Topics: Let's Fill It Up!

Okay, so many of you have been calling for some new categories on GirlsAskGuys and yes, we've been listening. Now, we've got some great ideas - Humor & Satire, Politics, Tech, etc. - and we'll still consider those in future but for today, I'd like to draw your attention to a new major category...

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GaG Writing Contest Winners Announced!

We gave novice writers everywhere a chance to flex their literal muscle with May's "first story" writing competition, and we've now decided on the winners. As previously explained, we wanted pieces that were of good quality, that engaged the community, and that could spread far and wide. In...

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7 Reasons Why Women Fall for Guys with the Emotional IQ of a Gnat

You hear it all the time. "Why the hell is she with HIM?" How often have men and women debated the question, sitting in bars or clubs or restaurants, gazing about for juicy conversation topics? How many times have girls heard from their friends, "I have no idea what I was thinking"? How often...

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6 Reasons Why You Should Never, Ever Date Smart Women

Ahhh, got you to click, didn't I? Tricksy, tricksy, am I. ;) Actually, the title is to prove a point: For whatever reason, it's a standard Internet rule that people are far more likely to click on a headline that's negative in tone as opposed to a positive one. In other words, "10 Reasons I...

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