How Pokemon Go and GirlsAskGuys Are Strikingly Similar

How Pokemon Go and GirlsAskGuys Are Strikingly Similar

Okay, so forgive me if I thought of a way to compare one of the hottest trending topics online with GaG. :P

However, speaking in metaphorical - and in some instances, not quite so metaphorical - terms, there are indeed a few surprising similarities between the phenomenon that is Pokemon Go and the rising phenomenon (dare I say it?) that is And before you scoff, bear with me here:

Firstly, gamers of all ages are quite familiar with the phrase "level up." And though it mostly pertains to role-playing games in the interactive entertainment realm, the concept of "leveling up" really applies to most video games. Whether it's simply making a character stronger or advancing to a different level (though the game structure of different "levels" is mostly outdated now, as most games are one large continuous world), we all "advance" in some way.

How Pokemon Go and GirlsAskGuys Are Strikingly Similar

Well, as frequent GaG users know, that's precisely what you do here. You earn experience (Xper) for your interaction with and contributions to the community. The more friends you make, the more your opinions and questions will receive comments and general attention, thanks to our live feed. The more valuable the community deems your opinions, the higher your MHO (Most Helpful Opinion) percentage will rise. The more Xper you earn, the faster you put yourself in line for prizes like Amazon Gift Cards.

Yep, you advance, you "level up." More interestingly, however, is how you play Pokemon Go. You go out and about and find Pokemon just about anywhere you go, though it's usually a surprise. Some are even saying the overall experience is healthy, especially for those who suffer from social anxiety and depression. Well, how many people have sought help for precisely these issues at GaG? How many questions have popped up that are in this vein? How many people have admitted they tend to show more of themselves on here (remember, you can always be as anonymous as you wish)? GaG helps people interact in ways that might prove difficult for them, and Pokemon Go gets people out there, mingling with other Pokemon seekers. Even the socially awkward are getting out there!

How Pokemon Go and GirlsAskGuys Are Strikingly Similar

And both can be lots of fun, provided you don't take either too seriously. :P I just think it's interesting how people find new ways to interact and share through the electronic medium, and while I will always say that traditional interaction is still essential for normal social development, at least there are positive electronic influences out there. You just have to look at them in the correct light.

How Pokemon Go and GirlsAskGuys Are Strikingly Similar
11 Opinion