Trending & News Added To GaG Topics: Let's Fill It Up!

Trending & News Added To GaG Categories: Let's Fill It Up!

Okay, so many of you have been calling for some new categories on GirlsAskGuys and yes, we've been listening.

Now, we've got some great ideas - Humor & Satire, Politics, Tech, etc. - and we'll still consider those in future but for today, I'd like to draw your attention to a new major category for your Questions and myTakes: Trending & News. You'll see it in the menu when you go to select a Topic for your contribution and it's pretty self-explanatory, right?

This is where you can rant about whatever insane thing Trump just said, explain why Hillary Clinton is getting a bum rap (or exactly what she deserved), let all your GaG friends know why the latest trending video is THE best thing you've ever seen, or roll your eyes about another Kardashian event. As you can see, it can encompass things like politics, humor, and satire, but please remember that we want to use this category for new stuff. It ain't trending or news if it happened three months ago, ya know?

Trending & News Added To GaG Topics: Let's Fill It Up!

And hey, if you think something new should be trending but isn't, post it here! Give it your own personal spin and when you're done, toss up the GaG link on your own social media. Hey, we do it on our end, so you may as well do the same. :P So, if you got up this morning and perused the news or your favorite YouTube channel, and you stumbled across something you just had to talk about, we're right here, waiting.

Just remember to keep it clean, eh? I suppose one could argue that porn is always trending but that's a no-no here. Of course, if another celebrity reveals her favorite list of sex toys, well, of course that's fair game. :D

Trending & News Added To GaG Topics: Let's Fill It Up!
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