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+1 y

Why is Google & Facebook branding conservatives as Nazis?

Don't conservatives love to paint liberals as dumb SJWs when many liberals are getting fed up with SJWs as well? beside if conservatives spoke out about racism on their side they wouldn't be call... Trending & News

+1 y

Would you rather have plain glazed donuts or a flavored donut?

Neither i don't like donuts anymore I can live without them. Food & Beverage

+1 y

Do you like grilled cheese sandwiches?

No I'm not a sim with the grill cheese aspiration. Food & Beverage

+1 y

If you bought your partner expensive gifts and they break up with you, is it wrong to ask for the gifts back?

OH come on if a girl gets you a brand new gaming station wouldn't you be mad if she wanted it back after? if you can't get mad if you buying gifts for every girlfriend save the expensive gifts for... Dating

+1 y

Is it bad if my ultimate goal in life is being a mother and a homemaker?

I notice you said your in college right now. It's not bad to have your goal BUT I am not going to sit here and say it's okay to rack up student loan debt and refuse to paid it before you get... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

a lot of people are saying that she looks depressed now but I can't see it, how can you tell?

We also have people on the internet that goes around trying to tell other people someone has a disability without any proof. Honestly, people need to stfu about stupid shit and mind their own... Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

How can an outgoing girl not have a boyfriend?

How do you know that? I notice a trend now where woman don't want to tell other women about their boyfriends. There a lot of thirsty thots that will try or steal your man if you gloat about him... Dating

+1 y

Why do Canadians hate Quebecois and newfies from Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador?

As a Canadian we don't exactly hate Quebecois we do hate the attitude Quebecois have. If you don't know you can look it up years ago a bunch of business (like a big ton) left Quebec because they... Other

+1 y

Do you consider yourself a foodie?

I can't be a foodie I been a picky eater all my life and my food tastes are wacky. But I am trying to try more foods and I been less picky nowadays. But I ain't eating any penis, feet, head, or... Food & Beverage

+1 y

How do I stop being jealous of my sister?

Girl you need to move away from your sister and have your own friends and your own life. I am quiet in real life too the last years I talk more but I never really hang out with my sisters either... Family & Friends

+1 y

Were you ever spanked as a child?

Yes, by my dad when I did shit I did a lot of mess up shit as a kid for some reason. The one time I remember was when I grab my parent's sugar bowl took and pour it down the couch and my father... Society & Politics

+1 y

Would you rather have a overconfident s/o or insecure?

Neither you can't trust either one. Overconfident guys tend to be cocky and try to get with every woman. Insecure tend to be losers if you start dating think they are a player and try to get with... Dating

+1 y

Do men ever sit and think “damn I’m hurting her...”?

I start to realize if you care for people this type of shit never will happen clearly the guys you are thinking about don't value you as a person probably think of you only a sex object for... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why are female babysitters preferred over male babysitters? People in general trust women with children more?

To be fair if you do go to a daycare with male early childhood educators there they are more likely (unless it's dumb company or home base daycare) to have regular sex offender police checks.... Family & Friends

+1 y

Do you think men should be allowed to go to a STRIP CLUB if they are in a committed relationship?

let your guy go just put a heart rate monitor on him and if it goes way too up wait til he comes home and cuss him off duh. Dating

+1 y

Would you date a person with severe acne?

I don't get why acne= ugly yes her skin looks bad but you could tell she a very pretty girl who probably has hormonal issues which is why her acne got that bad I am assuming. Dating

+1 y

Why is it unattractive for girls to smoke cigarettes?

I notice women will tolerable way more then men do when it comes to dating. Men who don't like you or something about you, you bet your ass they won't date you. I find it odd but hey fuck him if... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Does the pain of heartbreak ever truly go away?

One way to get over someone is actually think about their flaws, some people will try to say "my ex was so perfect" don't think that way if they were so perfect they would had accept everything... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

How do u feel about slut-shaming?

I think it's funny when manwhores have a problem if a woman wants to whore out like them. Like you can't have your cake and eat it too either you want girls to be easy to sleep with you or you... Dating

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