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1 y

Donald Trump has called on US lawmakers to prioritise funding for school security over sending military aid to Ukraine... Your thoughts?

The Left in the USA will defend other nations' borders to our death but really does NOT want school shootings to stop before they can pass gun confiscation. Trending & News

1 y

Has anyone ever tried to sabotage your relationship?

I had a younger sibling try to sabotage my relationship this past Christmas, yup. She's a bitter single mom at 27 who can't even find a friends with benefits she's attracted too, and sitting there... Dating

1 y

Is kneeling during the American National Anthem a protest against Racism or a protest against America?

It's black people protesting that they feel oppressed that White America is enforcing their laws and their sense of morality on black people. For normies, it's "well cops gotta enforce laws."... Society & Politics

1 y

So, Johnny Depp won his case against Amber Heard. What are your thoughts?

I loved that her evidence was pictures of johnny sleeping or a wine bottle on a floor. Talk about a weak attempt. Trending & News

1 y

Is there a genetic reason why men won't file papers (or digital documents)?

I work in legal... So everyone here man or woman spends a lot of time filing. Maybe you hire bad candidates? Guy's Behavior

1 y

Should you stay in shape for your partner?

If you want them to fuck you definitely haha. Relationships

1 y

Do you like wearing medical masks?

Totally support wearing a mask doing car work, drill press, painting, sanding etc. Keeps particulate matter out of your sinuses. Daily life, out and about? Nah. I like breathing freely. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you support Johnny Depp or Amber Heard?

Depp. Heard is violent and the evidence shows, such as tapes where she admits hitting him. Her evidence meanwhile is... Pictures of him asleep. Entertainment & Arts

+1 y

Do you believe in the concept of High Value Males?

Yes. Simple example: Low value male: has a cruddy minimum wage job, high school diploma, no savings, shitty car, few social skills or future prospects. High value male: has a good job,... Dating

+1 y

Can an Only Fans girl get elected to Congress?

Hell why not? We already know 99% of politicans are lying scum. Her being so open and honest like that is a big change vs hiding dirty secrets. Society & Politics

+1 y

Black Security Guard Tragically Gunned Down By In Broad Daylight By Savage... Where is BLM?

Oh absolutely. BLM is an anti White hate group. That's all they care about. Society & Politics

+1 y

What to do when someone has betrayed your trust and made you feel dumb and shamefull?

Be multiple things. When Ronda Rousey the female MMA fighter got her face kicked in and humiliated she said she wanted to die but thinking of her family encouraged her. Don't be a Ronda who is... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Are hairy armpits attractive, acceptable, or not?

Curious how many girls who go long armpit hair because it's natural still put makeup on. As a guy, I trim my armpit hair down. More hygienic and less area for bacteria to grown and stank Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

My boyfriend wants a year of fun after marriage but I want a baby at once. How do I convince him to tow my line?

Your plan is a great way to end up a divorced single mom. You want to go from relatively low stress dating, add the stressful change of marriage, and immediately add the enormous stress of a... Relationships

+1 y

Why do a lot of women make the claim that men have unrealistic standards?

Women only really see a small percent of men. The 80/20 rule. That top 20% absolutely has higher standards than the rabble of most men. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Would you eat or have you eaten at the heart attack grill?

Funny. But hey, gluttony of the mouth literally does put you in the ground faster, and they're publicy advertising it. So I guess the fatties who go there are embracing their own demise? Food & Beverage

+1 y

Should NATO close the skies over Ukraine?

No. A no fly zone over Ukraine means dogfighting with Russian planes over Ukraine and heavy airstrikes against all anti aircraft in Ukraine and some in Russia. What's happened to Ukraine... Trending & News

+1 y

Is CNN, MSNBC, FOX and other MSM outlets corrupt?

CNN and MSNBC are literally just the media branches of the DNC. Fox statistically is closer to actually being fair and balanced but isn't there yet. It appears extreme though because it's the... Trending & News

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