Is there a genetic reason why men won't file papers (or digital documents)?

Warning: Sense of humor required. If you don't have one, scroll on by.
Is there a genetic reason why men wont file papers (or digital documents)?
This clearly doesn't apply to all men, but it seems to be a trait with the men in my family and those who work for me - the refusal to file. They are more than happy to use the copy machine and staple papers (maybe it's because it involves a machine of some sort and a tool, which makes it appealing), but when it comes to filing them, papers will often make it to a basket of "things to be filed" or occupy a corner of a desk, where they will remain until the end of time unless a woman comes along and takes the initiative to file them. It reminds me of some discussions my mom had with my brothers about dirty clothes when they were teens: dirty clothes cannot walk to the clothes hamper, you have to walk a few steps and place them there. So it goes with documents to be filed. A man's computer desktop is likewise often cluttered with documents rather than placed in a document directory or sub-directory.
Is there a genetic reason why men wont file papers (or digital documents)?
The arguments I often hear:
1) What difference does it make, as long as I know where things are in the clutter of papers?
2) I still need them for reference (even if it's a three year old event file).
3) I like to have things I might possibly need readily available.
4) I'll get to it tomorrow.

So men, is this you? Women, is this a common trait with men in your life?
Is there a genetic reason why men won't file papers (or digital documents)?
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