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1 y

In your opinion, what is the most important part to maintaining a successful relationship?

Communication, honesty, respect and trust. You can't have a healthy relationship without these 4. Relationships

1 y

Do you really think Taylor Swift deserves a lot of the hate she gets?

People love to gang up on someone and just hate for no reason. It's the typical display of the herd mentality, or mob mentality. She can date as many people as she want, who are we to judge? She... Entertainment & Arts

1 y

Has anything mysteriously happened to you lately?

I had many manifestations come true when I least expected it. For example, 1. I was craving a very specific cake (Mille-feuille), and the next day my coworker brought a box of this cake out of... Other

1 y

Why do you think some people think relationships are corny or cheesy?

Because they have an unhealthy relationship with love. It usually starts during childhood. When caregivers / parents don't have a healthy relationship, and are not emotionally available, the child... Relationships

1 y

Have you ever felt affected by the death of a celebrity or public figure? If so, who?

Nelson Mandela. It's the only person whose death made me cry. He was and still is my role model. Society & Politics

1 y

What could be a reason that no one ever listens to me (when it comes to advice or suggestions)?

I went through the same thing. I would say something, no one would care, but when they hear the exact same thing I said, said by someone else, it suddenly becomes important. Doctors are the same,... Family & Friends

1 y

Why do men rarely get compliments from women?

Every time I complimented a man, he thought I was flirting with him, so that's why I stopped doing it. Now, I only compliment a my boyfriend, or someone who am I attracted to. Dating

1 y

Can you cook? If yes, are you good or professional level? If not, how do you live 🤣 ?

I can cook but I'm too lazy to do it. Since I live alone, I don't have the motivation to cook so I just either order food, or eat raw fruits and veggies and snacks. Food & Beverage

1 y

Why do most celebrities lie about their plastic surgery procedures?

I don't think there's anything shameful about getting plastic surgery, so I don't really understand the need to lie about it. I think celebrities do not want to be seen as insecure or imperfect,... Fashion & Beauty

1 y

Why am I self-sabotaging my relationship?

You and your boyfriend seem to have completely different love languages, yours might be words of affirmation and physical touch. While, his, seem to be, quality time and acts of service. The key... Relationships

1 y

If you’ve suffered from social anxiety in the past, how did you get over it?

I tackled the real reason why I have social anxiety. It usually stems from a lack of self-esteem, self-worth or/and self-love. Most people experience social anxiety because we consciously or... Health & Fitness

1 y

Do you believe in unconditional love?

I think most people confuse unconditional love with unconditional acceptance. I do believe in unconditional love but not unconditional acceptance. If someone crosses the line, you shouldn't have... Relationships

1 y

What would you do if your boyfriend or girlfriend asked you to choose between them or your best-friends?

I will always choose the person who loves me enough to not make me choose. So in this situation, my best friend. Relationships

+1 y

How many have you haven’t done?

I haven't: Broken a bone, fired a gun, done drugs, limo, tattoo, karaoke, gotten a ticket, been arrested, cruise, and skinny dipped Other

+1 y

What is your favourite pizza 🍕 topping and what type of crust do you on your pizza 🍕?

Thick crust. I love anchovies, black olives, pineapple, or sundried tomatoes as toppings (but not together). Food & Beverage

+1 y

Which 1 looks yummy to you right meow?

Chocolate chip! But my favorites are not on the list: white chocolate & macadamia Food & Beverage

+1 y

Why are girls expected not to fart?

Because we're disney princesses, and not human beings of course! Dating

+1 y

Do you hate pineapples on your pizza?

I love it, it's my favorite topping! Food & Beverage

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