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+1 y

I caught my boyfriend on tinder by making a fake account. I left but I don't know what to do now?

he obviously doesn't love you as much as he says he does. if you felt the need to create such an elaborate ruse just to catch him in the act, you clearly never trusted him to begin with and... Relationships

+1 y

What does it mean if your crush comments on your butt?

here's what it means: Flirting

+1 y

Their happiness before mine?

we're taught that putting ourselves first is selfish. but, if you don't take care of yourself, how can you expect to do the same for someone else? yes, we look after each other and making him... Relationships

+1 y

Childhood Dream vs. Adult Reality?

none of the above. when i was a kid, i wanted to write. but the well-meaning adults in my life told me that my passion was a hobby, not a career, and they tried to steer my ambition toward... Education & Career

+1 y

Why do some guys become so incredibly nasty after being rejected? & Girls what are your experiences?

most "nice" (and i use that term facetiously) guys can't handle rejection and would rather blame you than take any responsibility themselves. when i first started dating online, i had a guy... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

A small glimpse into my friends stiletto collection. Which do you like best?

i love the third one~ i've always been a fan of the rocker-chick look and something about the straps/studs combo just screams "badass". Fashion & Beauty

+1 y

Why is my neighbour always vomiting?

maybe your flat smells bad? I don't know. /snark. all joking aside, though, there are many possible causes: pregnancy, illness, food poisoning, an eating disorder, stress... if you're... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Would you let your child travel alone, as unaccompanied minor, to another country?

i travelled as an unaccompanied minor~ i was 12 the first time i flew by myself, and i'm still here (like you and your daughter, my mom taught me all the safety rules early on). i don't plan... Family & Friends

+1 y

All my boyfriend talks about is work and it's really annoying. How do I tell him this?

many men base their sense of self-worth on their work accomplishments. therefore, his job is a huge part of him and if you just say "i don't care, honey. now can we talk about something else?"... Relationships

+1 y

What's your opinion on Second Chances in relationships?

i don't trust too many people or often. but i gave one person a second chance and he fucked up colossally; after that, i knew i'd never let anyone make an idiot of me again. fool me once,... Relationships

+1 y

My girlfriend has a tinder, should I be worried?

if you agreed to be monogamous (meaning that you only date/have sexy time with each other), then it is cause for concern. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Is it true that women "plan" break ups much further in advance than guys?

i was in a relationship where something like this happened~ we broke up in the winter of 2012, but our relationship was over long before that. a couple of months before we officially broke up,... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Does my mouse look pregnant? And do you think baby mice are cute?

baby mice are super cute <3 not sure if pregnant or just fat, but either way, i'd cuddle her and all of the babies! Other

+1 y

Why are single men generally more bitter than single women?

women are encouraged to build support systems, whereas men are told that showing emotion is not 'manly' and to keep it to themselves (a trend that needs to die, like, last century). Guy's Behavior

+1 y

Why is Kris Bryant married to such an average woman like Jessica Delp?

beauty is in the eye of the beholder; it's subjective. Relationships

+1 y

As a girl, what makes a guy only friendzone-able and not dateable?

i don't believe the "friend-zone" exists; it's called unrequited love, aka one-sided love that exists only in one person's mind. if i'm not attracted to someone, it's usually a combination of... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

How would you feel if your job was replaced by an A. I?

well, if an ai wants to take my place sitting around like a lump on a log, then by all means take it. if it's a physical ai (like a robot), i'll even break its leg, for authenticity's sake. Technology & Internet

+1 y

Would you date a smoker?

i'm (common-law) married to someone who smokes. but he's very respectful and doesn't light up around me or kiss me without drinking something/brushing his teeth. sure, i hate the smell and it... Dating

+1 y

Do guys care if their girlfriend weighs more then them?

the right person will like you for you, regardless of how much you weigh. i once dated a guy who was shorter than me and maybe 100 pounds soaking wet (i am 5'8 and was ~145 at the time). we... Guy's Behavior

+1 y

How do you feel about stay-at-home dads?

if we were having kids, i'd be okay with this~ equality is a thing, plus he'd be a way better parent than i would. Relationships

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