The Ever Increasing Academic Doping Dilemma on College Campus


The non-medical usage of drugs such as Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse, and Focalin on college campuses, has simply exploded! Along with this explosion has come an increase of depression disorders, and binge drinking among young adults. Not to mention that a mixture of these drugs and alcohol make THE PERFECT STORM. The surprising fact pointed out by USA Today College, is that many of these students are NOT "junkies" who are consuming the drugs to get high. They are well-educated and well-rounded students who can in essence perform and function normally without the drugs. The three top reasons for college student's stress are: Tuition fees, anxiety/depression, and binge drinking.

Students that do not have ADHD and who take Adderall have reported a heightened sense of motivation, focus and concentration. Keep in mind, these drugs do not make the person smarter by any means, they simply allow the student to stay focused. There are those students who also use the drug to get high. Adderall abuse is considered a serious problem among college students. When this is taken without a medical reason, a student can become addicted easily. There are many harmful side effects such as:

Low Blood Pressure, Headaches, Dry Mouth, Loss of Appetite, Depression, Irritability, Rapid mood swings, and Insomnia. If you are using this drug for focus, and are in college, and have these symptoms, please seek help. You have help on campus.

The Ever Increasing Academic Doping Dilemma on College Campus

One of the reasons this drug and its use has skyrocketed over the last decade or so is that the FDA approved Adderall XR, which lasts much longer than other prescription stimulants. The attitude of many parents, college administrators and law enforcement towards Adderall has been inconclusive. Many think these drugs are just a little different than caffeine. One study has shown that at least 1/3 of college students may be misusing ADHD stimulants. This is troubling alone as these pills can lead to addiction, psychiatric breaks, and potentially suicide. While 30% of students may be using these drugs, it increases to over 75% in upper classes, especially those in a fraternity or sorority. Another scary point is that many students with prescriptions for these drugs believe that distributing to their friends in need of the "study drugs" is legal and a good way to make some bucks on the side. These drugs are Schedule II Narcotics. They are labeled highly addictive. There is a minimum sentence of five years in prison for getting caught selling them. Some are not even aware of this issue.

The Ever Increasing Academic Doping Dilemma on College Campus

Please, if you know someone abusing or even using these drugs without a prescription, be kind. Talk to them. Share the information, not as a lecture, but as fact finding. These are highly addictive medications, that need to be taken for a true purpose, but not used to "study". If you need a pill to stay up or study, chances are, you are not truly motivated to be taking the course, or you need help in other ways to get back on the right path to complete your courses successfully. There are outlets on your campus to assist you, that will keep your issues confidential. Seek the proper office through your Student Affairs Department. Please understand the risks, and be safe!

The Ever Increasing Academic Doping Dilemma on College Campus
20 Opinion