Why All Girl Schools Are Bad For a Girls Confidence


Why All Girl Schools Are Bad For a Girls Confidence

While I think that having the option of going to a girls school is good, especially in places rampant with sexism and violence against women, girls schools don’t have much of a place in modern society.

I went to an all girls school my whole life (13 years) and while the education was good quality the social aspect was wanting. Most girls in my class had never had a friendship with a man and felt a lot of anxiety when talking to men. It was because since there were no boys around, guys were made into this idolized being that seemed unreal to all of us.

The only daily experiences we had were in novels and with male family/teachers. But in real life one can’t live their life never interacting with men and being unable to do so comfortably really put loads of us at a disadvantage. Girls schools advertise as being an option that increases a girls confidence and better prepares her for life but it in many ways simply doesn’t.

Common fears at my school was the worry that they would go to college a virgin and that men would find them less appealing. Sex Ed was also very lacking as most girls schools are run like a business and if conservative families sent their daughters to the school we had to be conservative in order to please them. So there was no condom on a banana or even an explanation of consent or positive relationships.

When I talked with the head of school she told me that girls learnt differently and that our minds worked in a different way. She said that it’s better for us to learn using examples of ballerinas in physics than to use football examples since it was easier for us to comprehend.

Having opportunies for women is important and they should exist at every school. All girls schools are harmful for girls who spent their whole lives in their bubbles and I could go on forever with how that has made real life harder for me. (I could make an entire post about the issues for LGBTQ students at my school but I’ll leave that out for now).

While the option for an all girls school should exist it is important for girls to know that they are not what they are cracked up to be.

Why All Girl Schools Are Bad For a Girls Confidence
38 Opinion