10 Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview


The job interview... you hated doing it. you hate doing it but it has to be done in order to get that position you want so well..


Here are the questions you should ask...Broken into categories..

The Job:

1. “How will you measure the success of the person in this position?”

2. “What are some of the challenges you expect the person in this position to face?”

3. “Can you describe a typical day or week in the job?”

4. How long did the previous person in the role hold the position? What has turnover in the role generally been like?

You basically want to know what the job is about, how will you fit in, what are the requirements, what are the time constraints, deadlines, etc. You want to make sure you know what your getting into


Your Success in the roll:

5. “What are you hoping this person will accomplish in their first six months and in their first year?”

6. “Thinking back to people you’ve seen do this work previously, what differentiated the ones who were good from the ones who were really great at it?”

Its not about them. Its about you. You set your mind and goals to deal with. You want to do well in a position, and to succeed. You want to make sure you can do the job and do it right...


The Company:

7. “How would you describe the culture here? What type of people tend to really thrive here, and what type don’t do as well

8. “What do you like about working here?”

9. Ask the question you really care about.

10. “What’s your timeline for next steps?”

Now we want to know who we are working for, why we are working for them, and asking present employees their POV so we know whats going on can give us a 50/50 hindsight

10 Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
10 Impressive Questions to Ask in a Job Interview
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