Do you struggle to find a decent working environment?


Since I started working I have had quite a few different job roles. Anyone that might look at my CV will probably wonder whether I'm serious about actually having a job.

(In the last 7 years I've been in one industry well because I'm stuck.)

That's not because I'm not a good worker it's mostly because I'm often caught up in power struggles. I have desperately tried to speak up about some of the issues I have faced, one employer decided to give me my job description, this was one month in to a role I still wasn't being trained in, when I started to show understanding and improvement because I got help from external sources, the manager actually went out of her way, sabotaging my work.

These scenarios keep cropping up forming a very similar pattern, of me showing signs of development and being attacked and unsupported by management forcing me to just leave because well I have no allies.

I am now in a job that at times I like due to its fast pace and the ability it gives me to do more hands on things, whilst interacting with the public.

Jobs like this are always tough due to the variants but can be rewarding. But again I'm in an environment where I'm being gaslit and sabotaged. Where I'm made to feel like a potential thief, that my very existence is a hindrance to them, that I can't do right from wrong. Which is conflicting when some management are telling me I am in fact working really well.

This is leaving me as it did in previous jobs feeling incredibly anxious, helpless, confused and worthless.

I wasn't going to but out of complete and utter frustration I sent an email to my employer. There was a list as long of my arms of grievances over what I am putting up with.

I was weary because well she's unprofessional and I was worried it would trickle down and I'd endure worse treatment.

When I returned to work I ended up hitting my head on a glass cabinet door that a colleague, who I had mentioned in the email, went into after taking samples for herself.

Coincidence? I don't think so. 😐

Anyways they're being "nice" which I'm aware are orders from management.

I decided to do some reading, since a colleague questioned me on whether I read or not.

I found this amazing woman posting through another website.

I will share the links here so to not take credit for her work, I think it's could help you as it has me.

Let me know what you think, any advice you may or may not have could be really helpful.

But I'm tired of this industry simply because I'm running around in circles with no progression in sight as I can never stay anywhere long enough as it just goes too far and gets so hostile.

Do you struggle to find a decent working environment?
Do you struggle to find a decent working environment?
8 Opinion