Some questions in modern Physics that hold my interest


*I'm NOT a physicist I'm just a lay person who's interested in some things from the outside.*

1. Dark Energy Expansion:
Local groups of galaxies are moving away from each other at a faster and faster pace. Eventually that pace will exceed the speed of light! At that point it will be physically impossible to see those galaxies or learn about them.
People are wondering what causes dark energy expansion and it's still a mystery. Some think that it's just an intrinsic property of empty space.

Some questions in modern Physics that hold my interest

2. Black Hole Information Paradox:
According to quantum mechanics, information must be retained. That means that the state of how things are now must give you information on how they were beforehand. However, in the case of black holes, current theory suggests that information is destroyed. That is because if something falls into the black hole it can never come back out. Where does the "information" go then that tells us something fell in there? Does it come out as hawking radiation? Does the black hole change size or shape?

Some questions in modern Physics that hold my interest

3. Gravitational Waves (already solved):

In 2016 scientists at from the advanced LIGO team detected gravitational waves from two black holes merging together. The waves were re-casted as sound waves to give the general public a sense of what the phenomenon is like. I think it's one of the coolest experiments in modern times. Now we can "hear" the universe!

Some questions in modern Physics that hold my interest
3 Opinion