Why Good Job Opportunity Isn't Worth Moving Away From My Family & Friends


Here are 4 important reasons why I am willing to refuse a good job opportunity. If you are open-minded, I invite you to read my take.

1. I Value Close Bond with My Brothers & Friends

Having a close bond with my brothers & friends makes me happy over good job opportunities. As a result, I will experience misery & regret if I choose good job opportunities over maintaining a close bond with my brothers & friends. Thus, I will turn down good job opportunities without any hesitation to maintain the bond I value.

Example of Close Bond
Example of Close Bond

2. Tranquility Is More ImportantOver Leaving Comfort Zone

For me, having lower stress is more important than gaining a new perspective through living outside my comfort zone. For that reason, moving away from my family & friends would subject me to a roller-coaster of emotion. Hence, I will pass up opportunities to move away from my family & friends to maintain the tranquility I need.

Tranquillity in the Nutshell
Tranquillity in the Nutshell

3. I Need Emotional Support from My Brothers & Friends

For me, I need emotional support from my brothers & friends to be happy & succeed. Accepting good job opportunities comes with a 50% chance that I will lose that support network I need to thrive. Therefore, I will decline solid job opportunities to maintain the support network I currently have.

What I Need to Survive
What I Need to Survive

4. Good Job Opportunities Might Come with Homesickness

I won't take a chance on good job opportunities because I know there's a 50% chance of experiencing homesickness caused by moving to a new city, state, or country. Accepting excellent job opportunities will increase the chance of developing stress-induced health problems caused by homesickness. Thus, I will decline good job opportunities because I know my body & mind can't handle homesickness.

Homesickness = My Worst Nightmare
Homesickness = My Worst Nightmare
Why Good Job Opportunity Isn't Worth Moving Away From My Family & Friends
1 Opinion