Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

Here is a list of Top 10 jobs for teens and college students

1. Lifeguard

One thought comes to mind: young girlies in bikinis. Yes, I have to admit the greatest part of being a lifeguard is watching the girls. I can say this because I worked as a lifeguard not too long ago. If you are a female, it would probably be vice versa to you. And you have every excuse to do this too because this is your job.

While checking out attractive people is the best perk, there are other great rewarding features. You have the opportunity to build valuable leadership skills that can be carried on to future careers. After all, you are responsible for the patrons you supervise. This entails enforcing rules and regulations, knowing how to problem solve and interact with others, and responding to needs of patrons. You must be trained and certified in lifeguarding, first aid, and professional level CPR.

You must know when and how to react to emergencies and maintain crowd control. Otherwise, you get to sit in the sun and watch people.

There are a few different settings to apply your skills. This can be at a pool, a waterpark, or a waterfront such as a beach or lakefront.

Pros: the girlies, building character and leadership skills

Cons: long hours outside; most positions are seasonal or temporary; minimal action at small or slow facilities; can get hypnotizing watching the same zone for long periods of time

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

2. Camp Counselor

Getting away from home, lodging with people your age with similar interests, and working with youth is a great way to expand your opportunities. This may force you out of your comfort zone for a short time until you find this job to be one of the most memorable experiences of your life.

Being the counselor is better than the camper because you get paid while having just as much fun (if not more fun). This job provides you with opportunities to share your talents and knowledge with younger kids.

Pros: get away from home, apply your skills and talents, have a feeling of freedom

Cons: vast majority of positions are only seasonal; the bugs; seeing the same place can get old, especially if you are living there

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

3. Movie Theater Crew

The movie theatre is a popular destination for teens and young adults alike. Plus, there are various roles you can serve: Usher, ticket booth, concessions, and a few others. Most others working at these places are around the same age as you and can offer opportunities to make new friends in the process.

Depending on where you work, you can get discounts and deals for yourself, friends, and close family.

Pros: open year-round; discounts on tickets and concessions depending on where you work

Cons: A lot of mess to clean up as people make messes all the time in theatres.

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

4. Work at the Mall

The mall is yet another great hang out spot for teens. There are all different kinds of individual shops and restaurants that sell different things. The traffic that comes through all depends on the day of the week and time of day. On weekends, the mall is teenager galore.

Depending on which store you work at, you may receive discounts on food, clothing, or accessories.

Pros: different people that come through, discounts, increased hours during holidays, open year-round

Cons: being stuck in a small store within a much larger mall; gets crazy busy during major holidays; a lot of lifting and moving

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

5. Hobby Store Clerk (Video Game Shops, Sports Shops, Craft Stores)

Have a hobby in particular? There is probably a store for that. Work at a store that sells hobbies you are good at. You can meet people with similar interests this way and also expose yourself to things you enjoy. In addition, you get to share your knowledge and expertise.

Pros: be surrounded by things you like

Cons: you want them all but cannot have them all :(

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

6. Youth Sports Official

Are you the athletic type? Many parks and recreation departments and sports complexes will hire teens to serve as game officials for kids sporting games.

Pros: get the chance to work with kids; use your knowledge on a sport you know

Cons: disputing heated arguments; pay is often on a per-game basis only; often seasonal only.

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

7. Server

The greatest benefit? Tips. The better the server you are, the more tips you will make. Depending on where you work, tip money may come pooling in. Problem? To serve alcohol, you must be of legal age, and therefore, this may disqualify many underage teens. But, for a college student of legal age, this job may be perfect.

Pros: Tip money of course; build people skills

Cons: Laws regulating sale of alcohol; customers may take their anger out on you even if not your fault; leave smelling like food

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

8. Religious Organization Intern

Do you follow a certain religion? Do you attend an organization that pertains to your religious beliefs on a regular basis? Are you serious about your faith? If so, you may consider working as an intern or other employee at your church or other place of worship.

Pros: Be surrounded by others with similar beliefs

Cons: Must abide by a strict moral, religious, and ethical code at all times

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

9. Fitness Club or Recreation Center Staff

Like the workout environment? The gym may be a great place to work. Gyms often seek front desk receptionists and temporary child care workers. One of the greatest benefits may include free access to the gym and its amenities.

Pros: Access to the gym

Cons: Stuck inside all day with sweaty people

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

10. Grocery Store Employee

Depending on your age and qualifications, there are many different positions you can hold. Cart pusher, bagger, cashier, and stocker are just to name a few. Grocery stores are a very common employer for teens.

Pros: Grocery stores are a common employer

Cons: Some positions require a lot of lifting and moving

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students

Top Jobs for Teens and College Students
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