Could I still be successful despite this?

I know this might not be the best place to ask this but I’m getting desperate. I’m in my senior year of college and I transferred coming into my junior year to one close from home. My grades haven’t been the greatest since I transferred and I’ve been trying. I mean I’ve still been doing well but I failed one class required for my major because it was extremely hard so now I’m forced to change my major my senior year.
This is extremely stressful for me because my dad agreed I would only do four years which would be up next year and changing my major will push me back and I still haven’t told my dad. He always tells me how proud he is of me and thinks I’m in my last major and I’m being forced to change. I met with a career advisor who told me my profession dosen’t care about your major just the experience and I can still minor in journalism just to be sure but that would push me back even further. So my old major was communication studies with a minor in journalism and now I want to switch to majoring in English so I can graduate in time with no minor. This is the only thing related to my career field that I think could still get me out on time. I looked it up and it says jobs in the media require communication, journalism, or English degrees but I just want to know if I could still have the same opportunities as an English major if I want to go into journalism?
Could I still be successful despite this?
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