Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

These are books, movies and tv series in which an innocent Summer at camp turns into a scene of gruesome murder or two...or a dozen...

Some are horrors, some are just a comedic depiction of something dark and unnatural, some are a mixture of both.

1. Friday the 13th (1980)

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

2. Welcome to Camp Nightmare by R.L. Stine

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

3. The Final Girls (2015)

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

4. Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp (2015– )

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

5. Trapped (Afraid #2) by J.A. Konrath

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

6. Dead of Summer (2016)

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

7. The Jack Creek Horror by C. John Coombes

-------> Links provide further information in case you're interested in any of these!

Have fun!

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)

Summer Camp Fun Gone Wrong (The Entertainment Edition)
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