20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter


In honor of the 20th anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter, here is 20 lessons from Harry Potter. One lesson for every year!

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

1. True friends get you through everything
2. Bravery comes in many forms
3. Never judge a book by it's cover
4. It's our choices that make us who we are

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

5. Friends get you out of trouble, best friends get in trouble with you
6. When in doubt, go to the library
7. Heartbreak is inevitable

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

8. It's okay to ask for help
9. Money isn't everything

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

10. You will surprise yourself by facing your fears
11. Sometimes we must face our battles alone
12. Ultimate power must be exercised with great caution

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

13. It's important to question authority
14. Death is the next great adventure
15. No institution can be trusted to do what's right during wartime

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

16. Never mistake confidence for courage
17. Everyone dies, but not everybody lives.
18. It's okay to be odd or a misfit.
19. The love a mother has for her children is forever.
20. Older doesn't mean wiser.

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter

20 Life Lessons from Harry Potter
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