Voldemort Teaches You an Important Lesson About Relationships

Voldemort Teaches You an Important Lesson About Relationships

I don't think this guy is going to become very popular with the girls on Tinder, I don't think he is selfless enough to make a good spouse. OK, some girls might think the cloak is sexy but other than that, I don't think he is a very good candidate for your soul mate. Above all, one mistake he makes in the Harry Potter books stands as a good example for why you need to be careful with your relationships.


For those who have not had the exquisite pleasure of reading the Harry Potter novels, I will explain what this is.

A horcrux is a piece of your soul that you tear away and hide in an object. Very dark wizards and witches will use this to ensure that if they die, a part of them still remains on earth. Voldemort makes 7 horcruxes (so splits his soul into 8) and even though he is really evil, this strips away what humanity he has left and leaves him a total evil, soulless, pathetic wreck. He is not a whole person. Even though he is like immortal he does not enjoy the quality of life he once had. He lives in fear of people finding the parts of his soul and being without them makes things worse. In the books, the heroes eventually destroy Voldemort by killing all the horcruxes.

What has this got to do with relationships?

I am going to say something very "old fashioned" but true. May I add that if you disagree with the following statement, don't bother trying to convince me otherwise because I am just not going to change my views on it.

The best and ultimate relationship is where two people stay together forever as husband and wife and they only have sexual and emotional intimacy together, whilst married so therefore they are committed to each other.

If you go dating and getting really serious with others and falling in love over and over and keep having sex with them, you are going to break pieces of your heart away and keep passing them out to people. The relationship means more if they are your one and only. You may wonder how to know if they are your one and only if you don't get serious. You realise that nobody is perfect and you make your feelings clear to them. If you feel yourself start falling for them and things are serious consider marrying them. If you don't want to marry them and are only interested in them as a live body them leave them because it will just end in tears. For both of you. Even if you have differences (and you need to identify if you can deal with them early), your love and commitment will bring you closer where you can work them out. Think of Romeo and Juliet where they have difficulties because of the family feud, or my Big Fat Greek Wedding with the culture, or some film where the bad guy captures the girl and the hero goes through great difficulty to rescue her. This dealing with issues out of love thing can be an outward representation of the lengths couples go to to get along in marriage.

Now, you do have to be attracted to this person and think they are wonderful. Don't grab someone random because they will do and marry them.

Just ask yourself if you love this person and if you would give your whole heart to them, not just a piece. Giving your whole heart means so much more.

I am not condemning divorce, I think it is tragic. If you are with someone who is totally wrong and cheating on you, beating you up, etc. LEAVE THEM AND DON'T FELL GUILTY!

So, remember Voldemort and you will be OK, lol.

Voldemort Teaches You an Important Lesson About Relationships
1 Opinion