Harry Potter's Racism


Many Asians know ridiculous and racism stuffs in Harry potter while most of non-Asian people can't even notice it.

Since many of users here are not Asians, let me make you feel it by reversing the race.

Harry Potter's Racism

First of all, there are only 3 white people appears in the story (including the sequels).

First one is a white girl whose name is 'Blah Ble'. Her role in the story was to betray the protagonist.

Second one is also a white girl whose name is 'Unicorn Smith'. Her role was some bad Asian guy's pet horse.

The last one is also a white girl whose name is 'British Island'.

Guess where she's from?! British Island! wow! o and Can't remember her role.

Lastly, The only historic magic school exists in the "Western civilization" is "Magic place magic school". It's located in US. Fyi) There are lots of magic schools in Asian countries such as "Hogwart magic school" or "Dumstrang magic school".

"Magic place magic school" is located in US, and students there use the magic Yodel song. Wow!


The name Chochang is not Chinese name. Some people guess it's may be a combination of Korean last names, but it's not true. The most similar names can be just Jo and Jang. May be some peculiar parents can name their daughter like "Hey, we must name our daughter with only Korean last names, but not exactly Korean last names! ", but not likely. Most persuasive opinion is that this wannabe Asian name sounds just resembles 'ChingChangchong'.

The name Nagini is originated from Naga which is a snake Goddess in Indian mythology. Her role was Voldemort's pet.

The name Yazou means Asia in Chinese. Wow how original? Few Asians appeared and one's name is Asia.

Finally, it is mentioned that the only historic magic school in Asia is "mahotokoro magic school" which is located in Japan, and the students there use magic carpets just like in Aladin.

Sadly, mahtokoro means just "magic place" in Japanese, so it sounds pretty ridiculous to Japanese students at there: "MagicPlace magic school". Also, Japan is far from Aladin's culture even though both Japan and Soudi Arabia are geographically included in Asia.

Harry Potter's Racism
5 Opinion