My Hillbilly Life, An Extremely Old Poem I Guess I Wrote


No one understand my way of life.
Every time I go outside,
the public always stares me down,
as if I am some kind of clown.
Just because I only have one tooth,
doesn't mean I'm stupid and can't speak the truth.
All I want is a friend,
who will square dance with me til' the end.
All I've ever worked on was churning the butter.
Or making some milk by squeezing the utter.
I know she's my cousin, but we love each other.
My overalls don't fit, and I slick back my hair with spit.
I go outside to take a shit, and sometimes I won't even sit.
My feet are dirty, for I don't own any shoes.
I can't help but step on thousands of poos.
Yes, I know, my life is weird.
Just as odd as my five foot beard.
Everyone finds my world as strange,
but there is nothing I would change.❤️

a joke... a very bad one
a joke... a very bad one
My Hillbilly Life, An Extremely Old Poem I Guess I Wrote
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