Five of the most evil and destructive characters

I was kind of challenged to do or maybe a inquired if I would do a mytake off of this question

Who's the most dangerous, destructive and evil horror movie character?

So gaggers, make sure you still show that question some love but here are five characters that are the most most evil and destructive. Maybe not my all time list but it is sure up there.

5. Alien (Xenomorph)

Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters

These aliens, do not care about you. All they care about is their young, feeding their young and using humans as hosts to birth their babies. They are mean and they can cause some serious damage. They have no soul.

4. The leprechaun (horror movie)

Five of the most evil and destructive characters

All he cares about his gold. Nothing else. He has basically the power to do anything he wants but while he might be bound by your wishes, what he does is horrifying. And people are always greedy enough to always ask for wishes so the wishes and greed have a destructive power all their own. One man wanted gold and it all formed inside of his stomach until his guts came out. But a memorable one for me, a woman asked to be young again and he decided when she did not give the gold back or even had it for him. He just decided to make her have bigger everything until she exploded. Still creeps me out to this day.

Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters

3. It (Pennywise)

Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters

Pennywise is a small clown but is so powerful. He is pure evil and only wants to use children to live longer and to feed. He takes the form of whatever he needs to, to use others and use your own mind against you. He does not hunt only at night, or while you are asleep, he comes for you anytime he wants. He can also take on big larger than life forms. Pennywise will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

2. Andre Linoge from the storm of the century

Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters

This was my top at one point but I thought of another. Andre has supernatural powers but he does not have to use them. His speech is his only weapon and it is powerful. His words are so evil and powerful that he is brought up to the top of my list. Because just his words, only his words are enough to be destructive and evil. Here are a few examples.

"The good is an illusion. Little fables folks tell themselves so they can get through their days without screaming too much."

"Born in lust, turn to dust. Born in sin, COME ON IN."


"Before he gets too self-righteous, Katrina, ask him how well he knows Jenna Freeman...horses aren't all she enjoys riding when the weather's hot."

and his words he says throughout, "give me what I want and I will go away" He is one of the most evil characters I can think of.

1. the evil from evil dead or Deadites

Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Five of the most evil and destructive characters

We can all agree this is pure evil, its what it calls itself. And what is can do is beyond imagination. It brings the dead back to life, possesses people and gives them supernatural power, makes evil dragons and creatures like those scene of the ash vs evil dead poster. This is the pure form of evil destruction that is not something that can be simply killed.

I feel semi confident with these picks but given more time I would find others and probably a more solid list and to be fair I was also struggling wishmaster over the leprechaun because both have supernatural powers that can be used for evil. and yes I know freddy does too but he does not start evil per say. and he can only do his powers when people are asleep. So he limited but i suppose this could even be debated too. So I guess this is my attempt but I could see it being argued for other too... when there are so many creatures and monsters to choose from... JJ over and out

Five of the most evil and destructive characters
Post Opinion