Everyone should acknowledge that jokes aren't for anyone to tell.

Everyone should acknowledge that jokes arent for anyone to tell.

I have a 14-year-old little sister who doesn't know how to joke around. She doesn't know how to take a joke let alone tell one either. Whenever someone makes a harmless joke to her, she thinks she is joking right back. You can't joke with her because she won't realize that it's a joke, but just straight on offensive insults. She thinks if she insults you, she's joking. Her "jokes" will lead to others around her dislike her. She asked me, "Why is your back built like that?" since I am overweight. I gave her a response that turned into a small lecture. I told her that everyone's bodies are different and comes in different shapes and sizes. When you're overweight, don't expect your body to be ideal. Other words to sum up her reaction, you can't tell her shit.

I tried to tell her that she can't joke, and I have told a few of other people as well as a warning/heads up. She doesn't realize that she's bullying rather than joking.

There are people who can tell a joke and can take a joke.

There are people who can tell a joke and can't take a joke.

There are people who can't tell a joke and can take a joke.

Then there are people who can't tell a joke and can't take a joke.

Just because you have been around others who makes insults as a joke, does not mean that you should follow in their footsteps.

The difference between insults and slanders, is that insults are meant to get a reaction out of you, while slanders are acknowledged and are meant to be true, so you accept the slander knowing that it's true.

Everyone should acknowledge that jokes aren't for anyone to tell.
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