Bluey is a really comforting show, and a training manual for parents (And parents to be)

Bluey is a really comforting show, and a training manual for parents (And parents to be)

Many good things have come out of Australia, such as Kangaroos, Vegemite, Steve Irwin, and The Wiggles. But have you heard of Australia's newest export? It's the hit preschool kids' cartoon called Bluey.

This series is about a six-year-old Australian Blue Heeler named Bluey, her four-year-old sister Bingo, and her parents, Mum Chili Heeler, and dad, Bandit Heeler, who live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. The kids and parents often play creative games with each other using their imaginations. In one episode, they pretend that Band t is a claw machine where they can win prizes. In one famous episode, they play a game of keepy-uppy, a game of keeping a balloon up in the air for an extended period, making it challenging as they go. But what makes it so different compared to other kids shows like Spongebob, Peppa Pig, Blues Clues, or Dora? It is a fact that the show adds a lot of entertainment value and lessons for the parents as well.

In this show, the parents and adults are very well-featured up front and center. They go through everyday situations like going to the home improvement store, taking mommy and me classes, the movies, the supermarket shopping, and just general day-to-day activities. The show also tackles some heavy topics in a kid-friendly way that can be understood, such as premature birth, ADHD, Autism, death, Military deployed parents, infertility, moving away from co-sleeping with parents, and even baby/ toddler development.

This is why a lot of adults like the show as well. Bandit and Chili are relatable personalities with jobs nd hobbies like ours. Bandit is an archaeologist who loves to play Football and BBQ, while Chili works as an airport security officer and loves to cook and play cricket. There is some implied adult humor, too, as in one episode, there is an implication Bandit and Chili might be hungover from a New Year's Eve party the night before. There are also implied theories by some fans that Bandit and Chili might be swingers, although neither that nor alcohol consumption is ever shown or mentioned.

There are also a lot of Australian cultures prevalent in the show. Especially the slang. They refer to the toilet as the dunny, breakfast as brekky, Kindergarten as Kindy, and the gas station as the servo. Two episodes about Christmas take place in the summer months, as they are below the equator. The episodes portray Santa as wearing a tropical shier and shorts as opposed to how we view him in North America and Europe.

The show is a significant hit amongst adults with anxiety, childhood trauma, and mental health issues due to how gentle the parents are with the kids. The background music is updated versions of classical pieces like Beethoven's "Ode To Joy," Mozart's "Flight of the Bumblebee," and other musical works. It makes them feel appreciated and comfortable, knowing they can find solace in this show.

In my opinion, even if you aren't a parent, this show will teach you how to become a good one, or a better one if you already are. I love the cheeky humor and Australian culture in this show. It proudly screams it's 100 percent Aussie and Americans or other cultures should not butcher it! I suggest giving it a watch; you'll find it to be a fair dinkum show!

#Bluey #Australia #Comfortshow

Bluey is a really comforting show, and a training manual for parents (And parents to be)
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