Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, who's winning?

God of shonobi and the legendary uchiha duo to take down the akatsuki, can they do it?
Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, whos winning?
Or will the akatsuki be too much?
- Itachi
Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, whos winning?
- Obito (before juubi absorbed + rinnegan)
Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, whos winning?
- Pain, the rinnegan user.
Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, whos winning?
And the rest of the akatsuki
Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, whos winning?
the akatsuki eat perfect susanoo + 1000 buddha hands
akatsuki wins, too versatile and hax
I don't know man
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Hashirama and Madara vs the akatsuki, who's winning?
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