Would you ever want to become a celebrity?

I don’t have any talents so it’s not like I would have the opportunity to become famous anyways, but that lifestyle seems absolutely miserable to me lol

The public just dehumanizes celebrities so much. You have millions of people who are judging you on your appearance or who you’re dating, or even small things like the way you talk. They think they know everything about you when they’ve never even met you.
They dissect and analyze everything you say and do and you have to worry about getting canceled from a tweet you wrote 10 years ago.
even if you do or say something stupid, people will bring it up for the rest of your career and judge your entire personality based off of one mistake.

you have paparazzi and fans constantly following you around, you can’t even take a walk without being bombarded (paps are literal scum. They make a living off of invading peoples privacy, it’s gross)

it just does not seem fun to me. I don’t think I could last being a celebrity for even a month. Im not surprised that so many of them have mental breakdowns lol
Yes, I would love to be famous
No, I would never want to be famous
I’m already famous 😗
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+1 y
The only thing that seems fun about being a celeb is the money of course. And being able to travel all over the world or country for your work (depending what industry you’re in)
And im sure it feels great to have a lot of people who love and adore you 😅
Would you ever want to become a celebrity?
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