Rate each of these lyrics and say which song lyrics was your favorite?

Pour with me
(Pre Chorus)
Let's run away to where we can listen each other,
Don't care for tomorrow.

Let's both become the clouds,
Pour with me,
Others may doubt,
But today let's become free.

(Personally I think that the lyrics for this song is a bit too short. It also sounds kinda cringe. This was the first ever song I wrote and I wrote this when I was a cringe 12 yr old lol. I will adjust it with music)

You know what I do
(Pre Chorus)
I wear my mask
You don't need to see me cry
You broke my trust and I'm so dry
You won't understand
How much it all meant to me
You will never get me
Because you never trusted me.

You know what I do right?
Cuz I cry all day night
Why did you also leave me?
You even judged than believe me.
Our old memories
Now it all seems a puzzle
This song sound like dark melody
Painful love is a struggle.

(This is one of the most decent songs I wrote out of 50 songs I believe. It sounds pretty cool with the music)

Will you stay for me

(Pre chorus)
Am I talking about us?
No I'm not
Baby it's the world
Speaking for us
We are just getting apart
Without words.

Will you stay for me?
A little more
The world won't speak for us
Will you stay in my dark nights?

(I was actually kind of embarrassed to use the word 'Baby' here. I never used any pet names or slangs in my songs ever. This is the first ever song I wrote which have a pet name. This is the latest song by me)

Hear me out

(Pre Chorus)
You see that tear
You think I'm free
Leavin' you I fear
Don't pass me like breeze
Keep it smooth without crease

Please hear me out
Before we fade away
Hear me out
Before I go away
Stay with me for this one last time
Say that everything is fine

Please hear me out
Before we fade away
Hear me out
Before I go away
Let me say you one last thing
I love you
Only you only you~

(This is the songs I'm proud of. It took me whole month to figure out lyrics for this as I imagined the lyrics before)
+1 y
Rate each of these song lyrics out of 10 and tell your personal favorite from these. If you have any tips or ways to improve my writing then do tell me. It will be much appreciated.
Rate each of these lyrics and say which song lyrics was your favorite?
1 Opinion