Who is hotter Penelope Cruz or Keira Knightley or Monica Cruz (pirates of the Caribbean girls)?

Little known fact during the filming of the first pirates of the Caribbean film Penelope Cruz was pregnant during the making of the filming of the movie you she didn’t begin to show until later in the film in which case they replaced her with her younger sister (3 years difference). At some point in the film I can’t tell when it starts but by the end it’s Monica Cruz.

all 3 women are incredibly attractive. Not going to lie the American accent is boring mainly because I’m. an American and use to it. The southern draw is hot but I love British women voices it’s soothing and sound intelligent and I love women with that Spanish spice accent in there voice. (Which is probably why I thought Penelope Cruz was Colombian because of Sofia vinegar and Shakira) turns out Penelope Cruz is from Spain) either way that Spanish accent sexy as hell. (Mind you all these women have ways that make them beautiful other then body even though that is part of what makes them beautiful). Either way can’t decide on who’s hotter all 3 women are hot
Keira Knightley
Penelope Cruz
Monica Cruz
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Who is hotter Penelope Cruz or Keira Knightley or Monica Cruz (pirates of the Caribbean girls)?
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