Do you think celebs get bored when they have to go to hundreds of interviews to promote their films?

Do you think celebs get bored when they have to go to hundreds of interviews to promote their films?

In this sense. I know if they want to be successful and have theri movies good reviews, they have to talk about it in press conferences, junkets and other places many times for some period of time.

I always wonder if the celebs get a kick out of these interviews or not and they pretend they like it but they dont like it. I mean if you can take a closer look when a celebrity go to interviews to promote their films, they go to so many interviews and the reporters from different media outlets and channels always ask almost the same question, and the celebs always have to answer like the same question over and over again. I mean the celebs sit like in the same interview set or studio and get interviewed by different reporters from different media outlets locally or internationally, like in some order: one after the other, asking the same kind of questions in the same set. I always wonder if celebs get bored about answering also the same questions like for the hundred time. The celebs always answer sure some in a funny way others not so much (depending on the question asked of course). If it was me I would had been bored long tiem ago, wearing the same clothes and answer for the 1000 time the same question for like the 1000 interview. I mean I know is part of their business but I dont know how can the celebs handle that and answering from funny and smart questions to the dumbest ones.

On the contrary there are interviews in different settings totally different then the ordinary ones and the interviewer ask very wise smart questions to the celebs, of coruse there are exceptions.

Do you think celebs get bored when they have to go to hundreds of interviews to promote their films?
8 Opinion