If you were a celebrity, what company, product or service would you endorse for free?

Lots of celebrities take the easy money with endorsements, or they’ll even do commercials or product placement. Meanwhile, we lowly peasants are not only paying to use the same products and services, we’re paying MORE than we should have to so that these companies can afford celebrity endorsement! Ell oh ell!
If you were famous, what company, product or service would you endorse for free? Exclude any companies you might personally own, operate or otherwise invest in.
If you were a celebrity, what company, product or service would you endorse for free?
If you were a celebrity, what company, product or service would you endorse for free?
If you were a celebrity, what company, product or service would you endorse for free?
If you were a celebrity, what company, product or service would you endorse for free?
11 Opinion