Ever been shocked over movie/tv show villains?

Spoiler Alert for Batwoman.

A lesbian, normal sized girl in her 20s kicking ass in a batsuit is not a tv show that many people find it even exciting enough to watch.

I started watching it and Batwoman's evil twin sister wasn't any scarier or realistic as her... But how she become one shocked me. She was kidnapped when she was a child, by a psycopath that kept her locked up in a basement for 11 years. He wasn't a pedo, but still destroyed her soul with gaslighting techniques, forcing her to believe her family has given up on her, and her only purpose is to be a friend to his son who is her age. All that horror, because the father didn't believe her son with a half burned face would be accepted as a friend by anyone without force.

What is shocking about this fictional series is that parents as crazy as him do exist in the real world. Just not in most peoples lives.

Also when Hollywood succeeds in bringing horrable and terryfying as well as realistic sadistic characters to the screen, the actors often receive death threats, like Joffrey from Game of Thrones.
Ever been shocked over movie/tv show villains?
2 Opinion