Marilyn Manson got community service for blowing his nose on a videographer. Was justice served?


Manson was charged with two misdemeanor counts of simple assault after a videographer accused the singer of spitting and blowing his nose on her at the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion.

Manson allegedly approached the videographer, whose company was contracted by the Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion for the concert season the first time, put his face close to the camera and spat a "big lougee" at her. She was struck on both hands with saliva. The shock rocker allegedly returned a second time, covering one side of his nostril and blowing in the videographer's direction.

The years have not been kind to Marilyn
The years have not been kind to Marilyn

What if this guy had Covid or worse AIDS? He should do a little jail time to teach him some manners.

Marilyn Manson got community service for blowing his nose on a videographer. Was justice served?
11 Opinion