Sorry, Not Sorry!

Sorry, Not Sorry!

“Sorry” is one of the first words we learn as young children, and it keeps getting hammered into us as adults. Women in particular may be more likely to utter automatic apologies, it turns out. But while research shows women say sorry more often than men, it's not that men are more reluctant to apologize for mistakes: “It's just that they think they've done fewer things wrong,” the study author notes.

The risk in saying “sorry” too much is that apologies carry baggage that can undermine others confidence in you .
So here are few situations where i guess you should replace the unnecessary word with a much more empowering (and accurate) response-:

1. Being emotional

Having feelings is okay. You shouldn’t have to apologize for that.

2. Not being emotional

You also shouldn’t have to apologize for not being emotional about something that other people are emotional about.

3. Speaking your mind

You shouldn’t have to apologize for inputting your opinion and giving advice. You're not sorry that you're trying to help someone, or you obviously wouldn't have said anything. It's OK. Speak your mind.

4. Sticking up for what you believe in

You're not sorry for standing up for what you believe in. You shouldn’t have to be. People who make it seem as though you need to apologize for what you believe don’t belong in your life.

5.Being yourself

You're unique. You're different. You should never apologize for that.

6. Things that aren’t your fault

Too easily we find ourselves apologizing for things that aren’t even our fault. Why do we do this? It’s because sorry always just slips out of our mouths.

7. Things that you can’t control

If you can’t control it, why should you be sorry about it?

8. Someone else bumping into you

It's not your fault. Don't take the blame for it.

9. Asking for something to be corrected

Don't apologize when your food or drink order is wrong, especially when you said it correctly.

10.Asking for help
It is 100% OK to ask for help. Never apologize for asking for help.

11.Saying "no" to something

It's OK to say no. You're not obligated to say yes.

12.Telling the truth

Even if it hurts people, you shouldn't be sorry for telling the truth. If someone asks you something, tell them the truth and don't apologize.

13.Doing things you love

Go ahead; do what you love. You don't owe anyone an apology or an explanation.

14.Asking for someone to repeat themselves

You couldn't hear them. It's okay. Don't apologize--especially if you can't control the surroundings.

15.Not responding right away

You don't owe anyone an explanation as to why you didn't respond immediately. If it's not time-sensitive, you shouldn't apologize.

16. Needing alone time

Everyone needs alone time. Don't ever say sorry for needing time for yourself. You're the most important person.

17.Not knowing the answer to something

It's not your job to know everything.

18.Defending yourself

Stick up for yourself. Never apologize for looking out for yourself.


Do NOT apologize for crying.At the end of the day we all have emotions. And its completely okay to break down few times.

20. Not agreeing with someone else

You don't have to agree with every single person you meet. That's OK.

21. Asking questions

There is nothing wrong with wanting to know more, especially if you're unsure of something.

22. Putting yourself first

Again, you are the most important person to yourself. Take care of yourself first.

23. Not being OK
So what? You're a mess and your life isn't completely together. We all struggle at some point in our life. It's OK

In all these situations, there are often better ways to communicate than by saying you’re sorry. Don’t drag yourself down. Show your empathy and emotional intelligence by finding solutions, not apologies.

Sometimes when you say sorry too quickly or too often, it devalues its meaning and makes you look like you just say it for no reason. Save the apology for the times when it’s really needed.

Remember that words carry meaning. Don’t use them blatantly or else you risk forcing hierarchy into something that should have none. Because, if you’re constantly sorry, people will begin expecting you to apologize, thus further degenerating the connection you have with them.

The difference might be slight, but it compounds. And moreover its a reflex, but it doesn't need to be.The need to be perceived as polite often unfairly usurps some of our basic rights—to simply be, to live, to receive.

So think twice before immediately apologizing for something. Although it may seem like you’re trying to be polite, it can also be interpreted differently by other people. There’s no reason you should say sorry for everything. You’re only human.

Thanks for reading😊

Sorry, Not Sorry!
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