Why I Forgave My Abusive Mother

Why I Forgave My Abusive Mother

Hello. This is a bit of a gloomy subject but I thought I would share it and maybe this makes me feel a bit better.

My mother has a very quick temper and didn't like me messing up when I was a kid. If I was misbehaving she would immediately beat me up, throw heavy things at my face/body, punch me in the face, tell me I'm stupid and fat and ugly and need to go die. This went on for about 8-12 years. A lot more I won't get into because it is too graphic.

However I have chosen to forgive her, partially, not fully. Some stuff I can't forgive, and she has never apologized for most of the things she has done except for one instance which was very very violent.

1. My mother is very loving towards others

I mean she isn't a bad person, but maybe she just wanted to push me and didn't want me to end up spoiled. So I think she was maybe hard on me because of temper and pressure, but towards others she is always concerned and trying to help them, especially other people's children.

2. She did a lot of nice things for me

For a long time when I wasn't the best at school, she would say a lot of mean things and refuse to hug me or show any affection. But now she is nicer to me, says less negative things and hugs me and supports me. She drove me to school every day, and she would always brush my hair and prepare my lunch for me.

3. She is now a better person

She is much nicer to me, it might have to do with me being better at school than I used to be, but regardless she is now more helpful and tries to help me through my depression.

4. She had a lot of problems

And still does. She was physically abused by half brother of hers a lot as a kid and had a lot of issues growing up. She also still has lots of issues and mentally ill siblings and other family members to deal with. So there was always a lot on her mind.

5. Nobody is perfect

Yes it is a over-said but it is true. Moms are just humans who want the best for us, and sometimes the pressure of being a mother can get too much.

Why I Forgave My Abusive Mother
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