Guys...I kissed my prom date... he is my friend and it looks like he doesn't care.. why?

so I've known this guy for a while, like 2 years now...we've been good friends, not best friends but good ones and I always liked him I thought he was hot and I still like him we share a lot of interests in music... etc but I never liked him that much to start flirting and make him like me too, I only thought he was hot so I decided to invite him to my prom because he was my friend and he was hot so I asked him and he said yes.. we had so much fun in prom we danced! we sang... but at the end in the afterprom we started kissing.. and then it became french and we kissed a lot... and I touched him.. he never touched me because I didn't let him but he was like shirtless so I was the one touching him and he only touched my back so then after a while I stopped him and told him it was enough that if we were alone more time something could happen and I was laughing but all night he was very sweet he was all the time like.. you're beautiful etc etc.. and the next day he said me that how was I and how went all my after drunk because he was feeling really bad and that he had puked... etc but we never mentioned all the kissing I don't know why... and after a week I mentioned it but it was like really late that night and through Facebook chat :s so he told me that he remembered only like flashbacks and few things but that he was not going to tell anyone so I didn't have to worry but some people saw us but we left that pending conversation cause we were sleeping... and another week has passed and we've chatting but he never shows it up and neither do I but I have never stopped thinking about that night and I'm starting to like him A LOT so why is he like that? does he feel embarrassed o does he regrets it? or what? and I feel like we're coming to our friend's zone before that night but I don't want to because I like him, yesterday he told me his familiar issues with his dad and stuff so I know at least he likes me as a friend... I know I sound like a slut but at least I want it to happen well guys what in hell is crossing his mind? and how should I react? and girls have you been through this situation? help I like him so much... but I'm not like over him.. I'm very proud and on the opposite I've been like cold with him too... not that he thinks I regret but not like hey how you been doing? I miss u... haha NOT so please help...
Guys...I kissed my prom date... he is my friend and it looks like he doesn't care.. why?
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