Why do people have kids if it makes their life miserable?

A lot of people still have kids even tho they know they're life will be horrible and missesrble and never the same after that. I personally NEVER want kids, not even if you gave me a billion dollars. (For lots of reasons and because I don't like them) but some of the reasons having kids ruin your life is because
1. No freedom
2. Your work/career time will have to be cut especially if your a women when you first have the kid. So your "dreams" will be ruined
3. No sleep
4. You're not happy anymore
5. You can't do anything you want or go out whenever you want without worrying about the kids
6. Your life will never be the same

I could list a whole bunch of reasons but I'll stop there. Now after knowing all these reasons why would people still want kids.
Why do people have kids if it makes their life miserable?
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