My boyfriend chooses the bars & his friends over me..what should I do?

We have been on & off for 3 years now, long story short the last time we got back together has been almost perfect. He even surprised me with a promise ring on Valentines Day. Everything was going good until he started to recently choose his guys friends over me and the bar to go out & get drunk instead of making time to hang out with me. We hadn't seen each other for a whole week, and the funny thing is he lives right up the street from, we had plans to hang this Saturday then out of now where he tells me its one of his friends birthday & asked if we could only hang for two hours & then he was gonna go out.

This was the 3rd weekend he pulled this kind of bs, so I told him I'm not gonna have him half ass sh*t with me, all he would want to do in those two hours was try & have sex, & then would go out. When I would rather actually go out & do something! Go to dinner, go to a movie, arcade, anything but just stay home & mess around! All he does through out the week is tell me how much he misses me & sh*t but then when the time comes where he can actually see me he chooses drinking & the bars over me. I grew up with my dad drinking a lot, & I myself don't drink & hate being around drunk people. & he's started to develop a lot of these habits.

He says I'm over reacting but I don't think I am, also in the past he's gave out his number to girls & done a lot of shady stuff behind my back while out drinking with his friends. So I deff don't have his full trust.

The easy thing for me to do would be to move on, but I don't I can quite yet. I've already tried talking to him & telling him how I feel & how it pushes me away when he does this, & all he says is that not every weekend is going to be like this. What should I do? Any advice would be helpful!
My boyfriend chooses the bars & his friends over me..what should I do?
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