Have you ever tried subliminals?

My friend said that she recovered from depression with a combination of healthy lifestyle, prayer, and subliminal message videos. She sent me the playlist she used.

I'm willing to listen to it, especially since I need something calming to listen to on my headphones to block out the sound of my roommate talking on the phone when I am trying to sleep.

However I am wondering how effective these are, and if anyone has experienced negative effects. I have heard about the incidents with "Mind Power Subliminals" and it sounds pretty terrifying, but my friend said that the subliminals she used (from Vortex Success) are trustworthy & haven't had any negative effects on her, only healing. I haven't heard any negative experiences.

So have you had any experience with subliminal messaging videos? If so, what impact did it have, if any? Please read all options before voting :)

Also please go vote on this other poll Have you ever had a repressed memory?
Have you ever tried subliminals?
I've tried them, and they had no effect
I've tried them. Overall, effects have been positive, although there have been negative effects at times.
Overall, effects have been negative, although there have been positive effects at times.
Effects have been solely positive, not negative.
Effects have been solely negative, not positive.
I haven't tried them but I don't think they're dangerous
I haven't tried them. I think they're dangerous
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Have you ever tried subliminals?
20 Opinion