Girls, Girls Only, have you ever been sexually harrassed, assaulted in real life?

Irl, I (17) was pretty creeped out when this friend of a friend guy kept picking me up when he hugged me and kissed me without permission (literally grabbed me and went "haha, gotcha!" when I pulled away surprised and scared) after less than a week of knowing me. Then he had us talk in a very small music room about why I was rejecting him (felt I owed him bc he was acting like I was ruining his life so I spilled some very personal trauma like an idiot bc you don't owe anyone an explanation for saying no) and then calling me a manipulative, horrible person and shit-talked me when I rejected him. Childish ass ignored me like a coward whenever I tried to tell him to fuck off and quit acting like a nice guy. That's the big story at least.
Girls, Girls Only, have you ever been sexually harrassed, assaulted in real life?
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