Would you own a pit bull?

A 59-year-old woman was attacked and killed by her family's two pit bull dogs while at home in Texas over the weekend.

A 59-year-old woman was attacked and killed by her family’s two pit bull terriers while at her home in Texas over the weekend. The incident took place at about 6 p. m. on Sunday at the 7200 block of Royal Arms Drive in West El Paso, Texas, according to a statement from the El Paso Police Department on Monday.

The woman's body was discovered by her daughter, after she arrived back at the residence.

The authorities were alerted and went to the scene. Crimes Against Persons detectives found that the pets had been generally well looked after with dog bowls full of water and food seen at the property.

Although the police still aren't sure what provoked the attack on Sunday, the department confirmed in the news release that "all indications are that the two pit bull dogs killed the woman."

The El Paso Times reported that the two dogs were impounded by Animal Control officers, while the department confirmed that an investigation is continuing into the incident.

According to National Pit Bull Victim Awareness (NPBVA), an organization that advocates for groups in the U. S. and Canada that support victims of pit bull attacks, 31 people were killed by the dogs in the first nine months of last year.

The organization's data also shows that 10 people have so far died from pit bull attacks in 2021, while 129 incidents have been reported to have involved the animals.
I have seen many reports over the years where pit bulls killed their owners and even children. Why is this breed of dog still around?

*Vicious pit bull attack leaves couple critically injured, hospitalized with ‘horrific’ wounds
CHICAGO (CBS) — A 77-year-old woman was attacked and killed by her pet pit bull Monday afternoon in south suburban Alsip.
The list is lengthy of pit bull attacks against other animals, children, and even owners.
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Would you own a pit bull?
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