When A Guest Is Staying The Night In A Spare Room, Should The Host Give Them Privacy By Knocking Before Entering That Room?

Do guests have a right to privacy when sleeping in the spare room of someone else's house, or does the host maintain the right to enter that room whenever they like without knocking as it's their house?

My asking if this is triggered by a recent event- Last weekend my husband and I stayed over at his brother's house and we were sleeping in their guest room. I Went upstairs first, and while I was lying in the bed the brother suddenly opened the door without knocking. I Found this very impolite, as I could've been changing or something, so he should knock first. I Said this to my husband when he came to bed, but he disagrees with me. He's saying as it's the brother's home he shouldn't have to knock

What's your opinion?
The Guest has a right to privacy while they are staying in that room, the host should knock
The house belongs to the host, they should not have to knock
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When A Guest Is Staying The Night In A Spare Room, Should The Host Give Them Privacy By Knocking Before Entering That Room?
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