POLL- Did you live in an apartment, studio, townhouse/condo, or home in your 20s?

I’m asking as I’m curious. I’m 24 live in a studio apartment. Feel I’m the only one 🥲 lol living with boyfriend doesn’t count, I meant alone in your 20s or have a relationship but not live together yet like me. Or is eveyone just living with parents in their 20s? I don’t live with parents as they don’t own a home and they are divorced and bicker fight still. They are controlling and get angry that I’m an adult independent. They get satisfaction treating me like a baby. My mom is toxic keeps saying I live in a room and that she’ll never pay $1000 for a studio. Lol studios are very popular a lot OF PEOPLE rent studios fast. Some people are paying more than me for a tiny place. A studio isn’t a room. It’s meant for one person with no kids lol. Only until I have babies then I’ll move to a big townhouse apartment with boyfriend and baby one day. I have bathroom, walk in closet, bought my own fridge and kitchen counter.
Studio apartment
Live with parents
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POLL- Did you live in an apartment, studio, townhouse/condo, or home in your 20s?
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