Should I take in my kids who I really don’t know?

Both my kids now are in their late 20s. Long story short.. I gave up my kids for adoption to give them a better life. They found me some how and we all started talking. I don’t know them well and they both asked me to help them relocate so they can start over. They stayed with me for 3 months until they found a place of their own. While They were here they didn’t cook, clean, or even save any money to put down on a place. They didn’t even put effort into finding a place to live. They basically took my kindness for granted. My oldest has depression and is on ODSP and takes out loans and my youngest is an alcoholic. All they do now is fight in there new place. My youngest wants my oldest to stay with me. Is it my responsibility to take in my oldest who has depression and won’t help himself? I don’t want anyone living with me. I don’t know these people. Am I being selfish?
Should I take in my kids who I really don’t know?
Post Opinion